Affordable Housing - AMHA Assisted Housing Portfolio
The Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA) Assisted Housing portfolio consists of over 800 rental units at nine different properties in Akron and Barberton. These properties consist of multi-family apartments and single family homes for families, and a mid-rise and a high-rise for elderly, near elderly and disabled households. The Assisted Housing portfolio is designed to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing to low income Summit County residents.
The Assisted Housing portfolio is comprised of a variety of funding sources, and includes programs such as HUD’s Project-based Rental Assistance (PBRA) and HOME funds, as well as the IRS’s Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Because of this mix of funding AMHA is able to provide assistance to a variety of income levels. The income requirements for these units are based on HUD and/or IRS guidelines. A majority of the units provide property-based rental assistance, allowing residents to pay a portion of their income toward rent and utilities. The remainder allow eligible families to pay a low, fixed rent. These units accept Housing Choice Voucher Program participants, as well as market-renters.