Construction and Purchasing - Bidding Process
Dear Vendor:
The following has been prepared to acquaint you with the purchasing policies and procedures of the Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA).
Purchasing for AMHA is the responsibility of both the Purchasing and the Construction Departments. If you sell supplies or equipment, or provide a service, you may find a market with AMHA.
Our goal is to promote AMHA's best interest by procuring quality commodities, equipment and services at the lowest and best prices. In order to accomplish this, we are constantly seeking new vendors and AMHA encourages your participation.
Although there are no dollars set aside for minorities, AMHA encourages all minority business participation. All vendors have an equal opportunity to present their bids. The AMHA Purchasing and Construction staffs are available to answer any questions you may have relative to any of our purchasing procedures. (330) 762-9631 or fax (330) 376-9649.
Our success in meeting our goals requires the cooperation of all our vendors. We look forward to doing business with you in the future.
Office Hours and Appointments
AMHA's office hours are: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Salespeople or representatives from vendors are requested to telephone for appointments prior to visiting the Purchasing Department. This will help assure that the appropriate staff member is available and will also minimize the salesperson's loss of time. Vendors are encouraged to have business cards, catalogs and price lists available to leave with Purchasing personnel. We are especially interested in new products that may come on the market.
Vendor's List
The Purchasing Department maintains a listing of prospective bidders and vendors, which is constantly being updated in order to maximize competition in the marketplace. The Construction Department also maintains a listing of prospective bidders involving design and construction.
Anyone desiring to be placed on the bidders' list may send a letter to the appropriate department specifying the commodity, service or equipment they can provide. Bidders are encouraged to provide catalog(s) and price list(s), whenever possible.
It is the vendor's responsibility to inform the Purchasing Department of subsequent changes. Vendor information on file will be changed only at the direct request of the vendor. For example, incidental correspondence or bids received with a different address will not be considered as a request for changes.
The bidders' mailing list is consulted when materials, equipment or services are sought. For formal bids, all vendors providing the materials, service or equipment being sought are sent an Invitation to Bid.
Bidders will be removed from the bidders' list if (1) the bidder does not submit a bid after three consecutive bid invitations or solicitations, (2) for specific unsatisfactory performance/failure to perform as required, (3) if they appear on HUD-furnished lists of contractors ineligible to receive awards, or (4) by submitting a written request to the Purchasing Department asking to be removed.
The Construction Department maintains a bidders' list and updates it annually.
Purchase Orders
All purchase commitments by the Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority for supplies, equipment or services require an official purchase order with an authorized purchase order number affixed thereon and an authorized signature.
Confirming purchase order numbers are given for telephone orders, which provides the authorization for purchase, and should be included on the vendor's invoice.
AMHA is not responsible for purchases made by unauthorized persons.
AMHA reserves the right to cancel the purchase order if delivery of materials or equipment is not made as specified or, if services being performed are not done according to bid specifications or within the job completion schedule.
Construction Requirements
The bidding process for architectural, engineering and construction contracts is the responsibility of the AMHA Construction Department.
Technical service contracts for architectural and engineering services are solicited in the form of a 'Letter of Interest' and/or 'Request for Proposal', which is publicly advertised; as well as direct correspondence with those firms on our bidders' list.
All construction projects in which the estimated cost exceeds $50,000 are formally advertised as previously defined. The technical specifications are available in the Construction Department, and a refundable deposit is required. A surety is required for bidding, performance and warranty, prevailing wages are applicable.
For more information, please contact the Construction Department at (330) 762-9631.