How to Apply for Public Housing

To apply for housing, click here, then follow the online instructions.

Once you have submitted the preliminary application, you will be provided with a confirmation number as proof of the date and time of your application. You must keep this confirmation number to check your status in the future. When your name is nearing the top of a waiting list, you will be contacted for an eligibility interview.

You will be able to check your application status at any time by calling our automated status line at 330-252-9284. This status line will inform you of the date of your application, the wait lists you applied for, and the current wait time for those lists.

To be eligible for subsidized housing, the head of household must be at least 18 years of age and your income must be below the following guidelines:


Income Limits

Number of Persons in Family

Low Income     (Public Housing)

Very Low Income (HCVP - Section 8)

























In addition:

  • If you have previously lived in AMHA housing or have received housing assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) and owe a balance, the balance must be paid in full before we can offer you housing.
  • All adult household members must pass a criminal history background check.

Persons with disabilities needing assistance should contact the AMHA RA coordinator at 330-762-9631.

Housing Programs offered by AMHA

  • AMHA does not provide emergency housing.
  • Family Public Housing
    • Estimated wait time is 6-18 months, depending upon family size.
    • Housing for families and singles that is managed and maintained by AMHA. Family public housing includes 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom units. The offer for housing will be based on family composition and bedroom size and may be anywhere in Summit County. When your name reaches the top of the wait list, you will be contacted by phone and given one offer. If you refuse the offer your refusal date will become your new application date for this program. The security deposit for all units is $50.00. You will be responsible for the following utilities: gas and electric.
  • Senior Public Housing
    • Estimated wait time is 12-18 months.
    • Includes 1 and 2 bedrooms units for families/individuals where the head of household is 62 and older or disabled. The offer for housing will be based on family composition and bedroom size and may be anywhere in Summit County. When your name reaches the top of the wait list, you will be contacted by phone and given one offer. If you refuse the offer your refusal date will become your new application date for this program. The security deposit is $50.00. All utilities are included for these units.
  • Spicer Terrace
    • Estimated wait time for this program depends on vacancies.
    • Housing for individuals that is managed and maintained by AMHA. Spicer Terrace is located near the University of Akron. Spicer Terrace consists of 1 bedroom units for youth ages 18 to 25 who are homeless and disabled. When your name reaches the top of the wait list, you will be contacted by phone and given one offer. If you refuse the offer your refusal date will become your new application date for this program. The security deposit is $50.00. All utilities are included for these units.
  • Housing Choice Voucher Program (previously Section 8)
    • Estimated wait time is 24-36 months.
    • This program consists of housing that is owned and operated by private owners/agents. The client will be contacted by the HCVP Department by mail when his/her application comes to the top of the wait list. Once contacted, you will be issued a voucher to search for housing. The voucher is active for 120 days. The voucher holder is responsible for finding housing during this time. Residents of Summit County are able to port (transfer) the voucher to another county or state. Security deposits are determined by the owner/agent and are usually equivalent to rent for one month. Utility responsibility is also determined by the owner/agent.
  • Project-Based Vouchers
    • The client will be contacted by the owner/agent once their name reaches the top of the wait list.

      Choose from the following:
    • Arlington Veterans Housing - one bedroom units for homeless veterans. Estimated wait time for this program depends on vacancies.
    • Cascade Village - one, two and three bedroom units for all family configurations. Estimated wait time is 12-18 months.
    • Commons at Madaline Park - one bedroom units, permanent housing for disabled households. Estimated wait time for this program depends on vacancies. Preference is given to clients referred by Community Support Services.
    • Edgewood Village - one and two bedroom units in a non-smoking building for elderly households 62 and over. Estimated wait time for this program depends on vacancies.
    • Retirement Residence of Green - one bedroom units for elderly households 62 and over. Estimated wait time is 24-36 months.
    • Stoney Pointe Commons - one bedroom units, permanent housing for disabled households. Estimated wait time for this program depends on vacancies. Preference is given to clients referred by Community Support Services.
    • Summit County Liberty House - fully furnished two bedroom units specifically for veterans. Estimated wait time for this program depends on vacancies.

Waiting List Preference Points

Local Preference Points are used to establish the order that applicants are placed on our wait lists. Among applicants with equal preference status, the wait lists will be organized by date and time.

  • Resident: 1 point
    - Given to clients living, working, or attending school full time within Summit County.
  • Emancipated Youth and FUP Youth/Families: 2 points
    - Given to youth 18 years of age to 24, who are working with Summit County Children Services (SCCS) to overcome or prevent homelessness or families working with SCCS for whom the lack of adequate housing is a primary factor in the imminent placement of the family’s children in out-of-home care or the delay in the discharge of the children from out-of-home care.
  • Full Term First Birthday Preference: 2 points 
  • - Given to applicants referred by the Full Term First Birthday Greater Akron program, which works to promote healthy full-term pregnancies and ensure every child celebrates a first birthday.
  • Veteran: 2 points
    - Given to veterans or spouses of veterans. This status is also given to family members of veterans living in the same household.
  • Transitional/Homeless Non-Elderly Disabled Preference: 2 points
    - Given to families that are composed of one of more non-elderly persons aged 18 to 61 with disabilities who are eligible for services through a partner agency with whom AMHA has executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and are:
    • transitioning out of an institutional or other segregated setting,
    • at serious risk of institutionalization,
    • homeless,
    • at risk of becoming homeless, or
    • previously experienced homelessness and are currently a client in a permanent supportive housing or rapid rehousing project.
  • Involuntary Displacement by Government Action: 3 points
    - Given to clients who have been involuntarily displaced by government action.
  • Rent Burden or Homeless: 7 points
    - Given to clients who are paying more than 30% of their income for rent and utilities or living in substandard housing.
  • Moving On Preference: 8 points
    - Given to current supportive housing program participants (Shelter Plus Care, Family Unification Program, and Continuum of Care Permanent Supportive Housing with whom AMHA has executed an MOU) who have volunteered and meet the eligibility requirements to obtain a tenant based housing choice voucher.
  • Supportive Housing Preference: 15 points
    - Given to disabled families in need of supportive services and with a referral from Community Support Services (specifically for vacancies at Madaline Park and Stoney Pointe). This preference is only available for applicable Project-Based Voucher wait lists.
  • Canceled Voucher Preference: 20 points
    - Given to families that were issued a voucher by AMHA, but the voucher was recalled due to insufficient funding for the HCVP Program. If this preference is utilized, no other preferences will be given.
  • Insufficient Funding Preference: 30 points
    - Given to families that were leased in a unit under HAP contract and the HAP contract was terminated by AMHA due to insufficient funding for the HVCP Program. If this preference is utilized, no other preferences will be given.